Theater Policy Upheld…For Now

By: Mr. Wilson on March 7, 2006
The Lincoln City Council voted to stick with the current theater policy for now. The move is laudable in that it makes the Council's intentions clear (something they typically do a pretty poor job of), but it's unfortunate in that it prevents some pretty decent economic development opportunities. The Council's support for the policy is rooted in a misguided -- but understandable -- desire to "save" Downtown. How is building resentment toward Downtown a viable and sustainable redevelopment engine? That hasn't been made clear. The Council's pro-policy stance also helps the Council save face. If they drop the policy, The Grand will be exposed for what it is: the wrong theater in the wrong place built at the wrong time. Lincoln's theatergoers know it; the Douglas Theater Company knows it; just about everybody knows it, save for a handful of people, such as Polly McMullen of the Downtown Lincoln Association. I love Downtown, and I'm all in favor of supporting a few screens Downtown. But artificially propping up an inappropriate suburban-style theater with economic development-stifling policies does more harm than good.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

March 8, 2006 at 7:53PM

I appreciate your comments about the Grand. You are right, they know it too, but you can’t help them for trying to make the best out of a less than beneficial situation. My wife works there as an Asst. Manager and, while its nice to have an anchoring theater D/T, I sort of miss the little ones where you could have 8 movies showing in venues with different character.

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