The Plan

By: Mr. Wilson on September 7, 2006
Yesterday I downloaded the Lincoln Downtown Master Plan and the accompanying Lincoln Downtown Design Guidelines. The two documents are filled with lots of interesting (and extremely ambitious) stuff. I think I will try to put together a few posts describing the contents of the documents, peppered with my assessment of concepts big and small. I will probably try to do a five-part series. If you have any topics you would like me to cover, or questions you would like answered, please let me know.


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September 7, 2006 at 2:28PM

I haven’t reviewed the plans for quite some time, so I look forward to your series.

I found the P Street plan a little hard to swallow.  That’s a lot of stuff to put that street.

I like the idea of a trolley system, but I also wonder if a cadre of smaller busses/vans could accomplish the same thing.

The O Street boulevard is hard to imagine too.  Not sure it could work, logistically.

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