The Old Folks Want a Place to Play

By: Mr. Wilson on July 6, 2010
I don't know how they think they'll achieve it, but the City Council apparently would like to try to ensure that establishments near the new arena will cater to thirty- and forty-somethings. The college crowd and twenty-somethings can have O Street. That sounds fine, except wasn't keeping twenty-somethings happy a big part of the sales pitch behind the arena vote? I'm teasing a little bit. It makes sense to hope that different "zones" Downtown develop distinct identities, and Lincoln could use a zone like what the City Council envisions. Bread & Cup already plays somewhat to that market, for example. But whether the Council likes it or not, their ability to control the character of the businesses that open near the arena is limited. Zoning restrictions aren't age-specific. So that's the Council's druthers for the type of businesses that will surround the arena. How about you? What kinds of establishments would you like to see down there?


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