The Little Birdie Says…
By: Mr. Wilson on
October 14, 2009
- The first is half old news and half verification of an all-but-confirmed rumor: Staples (old news) and CVS (confirmed rumor) will soon be built at 48th and O. Let all of the 48th & O jokes and complaints begin.
- The second rumor is so mind-bogglingly insane I have an extremely difficult time believing it could be true. But heck, it's hump day so why not? OK, ready? The rumor is that Costco, Cheesecake Factory and PF Changs are all going to locate near the Kohl's on 27th and Yankee Hill. I know, I know, the mere notion of three of Lincoln's most wanteds arriving in the same place is enough to send the city into a collective state of euphoria. If it actually happens ... well, good luck fighting your way through that traffic. If you thought the wait at Famous Dave's was long when it first opened... Anyway, I wouldn't publish this if it weren't for the fact that all three of these businesses have been rumored to be looking at various locations in Lincoln for a few years. If there was any truth to that earlier buzz, then there's at least a chance this latest buzz could be true (in whole or in part). On the other hand, this could just be more wishful thinking that turned "Wouldn't it be great if those places opened on South 27th?" into "Some guy told me those places are going to open on South 27th!"
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Numerous businesses have “spoken for” the empty but completed sites north of Kohls.
All I want is a whole foods (maybe someday) & trader joes (not bloody likely). Don’t like cheesecake factory much, PFChang’s is pricy for so so chinese food, and Costco- well, the few times I’ve been it seems remarkably similar to Sam’s Club, so it would probably be good for that side of town.
I can live without Cheesecake Factory, PF Changs has a good Gluten Free menu.
Rumor is the new improved N St. Drive In will be open before Thanksgiving.
PF Changs = NO. Cheesecake Factory HAS a gluten-free menu, I eat off of it all the time, so YES to them… mmmm, cheesecake! (not gluten-free, but i’ll take the IBS - LOL!) Costco = YUCK, Sam’s is better. Now about rumors: I heard that Disney is scouting land north of the interstate off of 27th St. ahem. to build their 3rd Disney park called Disney Universe!
You fool. Everybody knows the theme park is going in near Mahoney Park.
Yes - it’s close. The cooler is in and working.
(No - I’m not a regular… ok I am. Good place to talk sports too)
Corner of 18th and O, former Kirk Motors.
You know.. I was just driving by Kohls the other day and thought it would be the perfect place for a Cheesecake Factory. it looks like one :lol
I’ve only been to CF once and wasn’t impressed, however, we used to be regulars at Costco when we lived in Texas and would be thrilled to have one here.
With the Walgreens/CVS arms race in high gear, I gotta believe south Lincoln is ripe for another CVS, or three. There was a rumor somewhere (maybe even on here) that CVS was going to replace the convenience store/car wash at 16th & Old Cheney. But with that now converting to Stop & Shop, that seems unlikely. I would expect to see some new CVS locations somewhere south of Old Cheney, but I can’t think of any vacant, high-traffic corners.
I guess it’s been at least six months since the Cheesecake Factory at 27th and Yankee Hill rumor went around, so it’s time for it to circulate again. I think that rumor is about 4 or 5 years old, so I wouldn’t put a whole lot of stock in it, especially with the way the economy is. I do know for a fact that Costco has been looking at that part of Lincoln, but I was told they pulled back when the economy went south.
Matt, thanks for checking in. Love the Biz Buzz - only complaint is that it’s not updated often enough. It’s the best part of the LJS online. Keep up the great work!
...I love you.
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