The Hammer Gets Nailed

By: Mr. Wilson on May 6, 2009
Well heck, I didn't expect Ken "The Hammer" Svoboda to lose in yesterday's election. Though honestly he didn't really seem to try that hard for reelection, did he? Maybe I'm perceiving him incorrectly, but he just didn't seem to have much fight in him this go-round. For that matter, few people seemed to fight very hard on his behalf. Our new City Council members are Jayne Snyder, Adam Hornung, and Gene Carroll. Congratulations to the three of them! I'm sure I'll have plenty to say about them over the next few years. Hmm, with this new blood on the Council, maybe we can finally get a Councilmember or two to start actively blogging, Casady-style. To the newly-elected members I ask: Are any of you willing to be that transparent? I would love to help you get started.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

May 6, 2009 at 2:37PM

I would agree about Ken. I think he was kind of going through the motions. I’d hate to think that putrid piece of crap site by the local dems cost him the election, but I think maybe when he performed well in the primary he just coasted.

In all honesty, I think it’s good for some new blood in there.

West A Dad
May 6, 2009 at 5:53PM

Ken attributes loss to “nasty campaiging” at LJS.


Dave K
May 6, 2009 at 6:01PM

I’m not surprised by Svobs’ departure.  I reluctantly voted for him, solely because of the Democrats’ attacks (so much for a non-partisan election).  When you don’t really stand for any principles you fall pretty hard when attacked.

The one that I’m worried about is Gene Carroll.  I can’t count the number of times he mentioned his LJS endorsement in advertisements and interviews, and the last thing we need is someone who is going to pander to the media.

May 6, 2009 at 11:50PM

Blogs by city council members is a great idea. It would bring more people into the process and make it more transparent. If the LJS had any brains they would approach all the council members and make offers.

May 7, 2009 at 12:22AM

“If the LJS had any brains”...

Good one!

Has anyone else noticed that when there’s a positive post on Lincolnite about the LJS, that often someone from there will poke their head in and say hello, but when they get ripped on, the silence is deafening? Apparently, other than the people there that blog in an official capacity (Hi Matt O.), there’s no need to actually interact with the public at large.

May 7, 2009 at 10:30AM

I’d think that Snyder or Hornung might be down for blog, not sure about Carroll.

Matt Olberding
May 7, 2009 at 1:27PM

We’re actually discouraged from posting, even on our own stories, so we don’t get into virtual debates and shouting matches with nameless, faceless posters. I will post comments on my own blog or here sometimes for four reasons: 1. to provide clarification; 2. to dispute something I know to be incorrect; 3. to admit when I’ve made a mistake or missed something; and 4. When my ethics or objectivity are called into question. Just like politicians, journalists need to develop a really thick skin.

May 7, 2009 at 3:39PM

I like it when you poke your head back in on your blog. Again, my only criticism of your blog is that we need more of it! Keep up the great work. It’s my favorite piece of the LJS.

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