The Green Eggs and Ham Effect

By: Mr. Wilson on June 23, 2010
I've been trying all sorts of new foods lately. As a consequence, I've had several green eggs and ham moments. You know, that moment when you realize that after years of resisting a food, you realize you actually like it. It can be a jarring experience. For example right now I'm sitting here eating pineapple. I hate pineapple. Or rather, I hated pineapple until about two weeks ago. That was when I spontaneously popped a chunk of pineapple into my mouth and realized, "Hey, that's not half bad!". The same thing happened earlier this spring with guacamole and avocados. And tofu. Believe it or not, I had a green eggs and ham moment with what would become one of my favorite restaurants. That's right, years ago I refused to try Oso Burrito. I don't know why. Something about it just seemed weird to me I guess. Then one day a friend and I went there for lunch. I was hooked. All these years later I have eaten literally hundreds of burritos at Oso. Thank goodness for trying new things. What are some of your favorite green eggs and ham experiences?


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June 25, 2010 at 7:53PM

For at least a decade I was convinced I hated peanut butter. I’m sure it was because of my still-alive distaste for PB cookies or crackers or PB mixed with chocolate. A couple years ago I tried it straight up after one of my wife’s many “I can’t believe you don’t like this” comments and darn if I wasn’t reformed! Now we fill up a container at Open Harvest once a month or so. Yum!

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