The Flu, Day II
By: Mr. Wilson on
February 21, 2006
This Prime Minister, assassinated in 1995, was his country's first to be born in that land.I thought it was pretty easy, but two people guessed Indira Gandhi, and one didn't guess at all. Do you know it? Answer: Yitzhak Rabin. In all fairness, the wording was pretty tricky. Rabin wasn't actually born in Israel. He was born in Jerusalem before Israel existed. Note the use of the phrase "in that land", not "in that country". (Highlight the text to read the answer.) Okey dokey, that's enough typing for now. I'm freezing. Back to Big Fish.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
LOTR straight through? you’re insane. I think the flu has moved up into your brain and you’re going crazy.
I tried to watch Matrix and Matrix Reloaded before Matrix revolutions came out and I was taxed.
Actually I caught something too. I didn’t feel it until about mid morning when I almost barfed and passed out in a staff meeting. So I went home and slept for 90 minutes, woke up to find Justice Scalia on CSpan, and now its time to get back in bed. I hope I kick this within 24 hours. Acetaminophen is your friend.
Mr. Wilson, I think that it is time for you to go to the doctor… telling me you have a 103.3 temp and rising tells me that you need to see a doc!
If it’s 103 see a doc.
Acetomenophen (Tylenol) is not your friend unless you want to kill your liver.
Like I already told you Mr. Wilson…
don’t die ok?
Acetomenophen is fine, unless of course you are taking a handful a day.
I too thought the Jeopardy answer was pretty obvious, but apparently not so.
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