Tonight are my final two baseball games of the season. There are more games to be umpired, but I have decided to stop after tonight's double-header in Pleasant Dale. This season has been a difficult one for our umpiring organization. To say that the association's management has royally screwed up would be a substantial understatement. Many, many bridges have been burned, and the future of the organization is uncertain.
I'm looking forward to polishing off the season tonight. With any luck after tonight I will have, for the first time, completed a season without having to eject a single coach or player. For that matter, it will be the first time I have ever completed a season without having been verbally abused to any significant degree. That may not sound like much, but when you consider how many people I have interacted with over the season, and how many of those people were in less-than-perfect moods during our interaction, it's actually pretty remarkable. In fact, I think I really matured as an umpire this year. I'm even considering, if only a tiny bit, attending a professional umpires camp some day. (Not to become a professional umpire, but to learn from them.) My own personal successes this year make our association's all-but-imminent demise all the more unpleasant.
On the plus side, not having any more games means that I can dedicate more of my time to Lincolnite. Hopefully it also means more garden time and more friend time. And, of course, more time with The Missus and Daisy. We spend a goodly amount of time together already, but a little more wouldn't hurt.
Besides, I have to rest up for soccer season. Did I tell you? I'll be reffing college games this fall. I can't wait.
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