The Democratic Caucus

By: Mr. T on February 5, 2008
Anyone here planning on caucusing this Saturday? I am. I have never done it before and am interested to see what its like. I am a registered Republican, but I can switch over the night of the caucus in order to participate. You can find your caucus location here. Mine will be at the UNL City Campus union, which I imagine will be pretty interesting to witness.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

February 5, 2008 at 12:54AM

You’ll find me standing in the Obama group.

I watched one of the Iowa caucus and it looked interesting.
It looks like we’ll do something very close to what they do in Iowa.

February 5, 2008 at 1:55AM

We’ve still got quite a while until the elections, so I’m excited to caucus & learn who my neighbors support…and hopefully a little more about the candidates.  Currently I’m leaning toward Obama.  Plus, I’m excited that since the race is still in contention, we might be seeing some of the candidates visiting the Cornhusker State!  I’ve already been to Iowa twice to see Hillary & Obama.

February 5, 2008 at 2:14PM

I am pretty sure we are going.  I guess it might depend on todays results, but I doubt anything will be settled today.

Delicious bars, mmmmm bars.  I am thinking of making peanut butter bars.

Party is at Duggans afterwards according to one of the dem guys who helped organize this.

February 5, 2008 at 4:43PM

And I’ll be in the Obama group. I’m very interested in watching the process.

I hear that Omaha has about 15 caucus locations (split by legislative districts) while Lincoln has about 50. Interesting to see the different approaches. I think I’ll like the smaller sized neighborhood caucuses here in Lincoln.

I hadn’t heard about the Duggan’s party, that sounds like fun.

February 5, 2008 at 6:46PM

Gee whiz, Mr. T, I thought that Dave K and I were the only people around here that would admit to being Republicans. I won’t admit to it anymore when McCain is the nominee. 

This causus stuff doesn’t make me curious at all - but I guess it will be interesting after the fact to hear what you think. They were talking on some shoe last night that Obama seems to do better in caucus states, and that Hillary seems to have not cared for them, and put her resources into Primary States. They didn’t say exactly why.

Have fun too all that go!

Mr. T
February 5, 2008 at 10:12PM

At the very least, I think its going to be a lot of fun and a new experience. I’ve heard a few different theories on the caucus vs. primary structure benefiting one of the candidates over another. I do think that its a better format for Obama supporters, but only time will tell on that one.

Don’t you like McCain? He’s clean, articulate…what more could you want? 😉

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