The Definition of Chutzpah

By: Mr. Wilson on August 16, 2005
First New London, Connecticut, convinces the U.S. Supreme Court to legalize the theft of private property. Now, New London wants the plaintiffs in Kelo v. New London to pay back rent on the land the city claimed back in 2000. Plus, New London only plans to pay the landowners the "fair market value" -- a scam in itself, since New London only plans to pay what its assessors determine to be the "fair market value," not what the market determines to be the fair market value -- of the property as it was in 2000. Some victims could lose tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Two questions: First, if the city is demanding back rent, aren't the victims entitled to interest on the payments the city has not yet made? Second, if the land is worth so much -- one landowner may have to pay approximately $6,100 per month in back rent -- how could it have been considered "blighted," and thus subject to government sanctioned property theft eminent domain in the first place?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Abe of Lincoln
August 17, 2005 at 3:33AM

That is obnoxious, but what else should we expect when the government is empowered to steal. I don’t believe any of the area’s New Haven covets was ever declared “blighted” per se. In fact I think the Kelo decision eliminated the need for the “blighted” designation.

What do you want to bet they calculate the fair market rent on a different basis from the fair market sale price?

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