Good work, Lincoln! At least 6,624 donors helped raise $2.1 million for a whole variety of local charitable organizations. That's not bad for a day's work.
Unfortunately, there's a dark side to that great news. Mayor Beutler plans to celebrate by doing the Harlem Shake with members of his cabinet. The Harlem Shake, you may recall, was a craze that briefly swept over the interwebs eons ago -- beginning way back in February of this year. Beutler may as well have promised to do The Urkel.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
May 17, 2013 at 2:45PM
The Harlem Shake does seem to be his level of hipness. He’s also going to take a variety of publicity photos planking and Tebowing around our fair city.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
The Harlem Shake does seem to be his level of hipness. He’s also going to take a variety of publicity photos planking and Tebowing around our fair city.
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