Poor Robert. The kid tries to be cute and bubbly and happy, but it sure is tough when you have a nose infection. (Not a sinus infection, according to the doc.) He is all plugged up, and his drainage causes a terrible sounding cough, the kind that makes you wince in empathy. He can't sleep very well when lying flat, so I have spent portions of a few nights this week sleeping with him and propping him up. Last night he made it through most of the night in his swing. I celebrated not having to get up by sleeping terribly and having bizarre dreams.
I hope his weekend goes better for him. The weather is supposed to be nice, so maybe getting outside for a walk or two will help. He has had a cold or illness of some sort for several weeks in a row. I know that's relatively normal for a baby's first winter, but it sure would be nice to give him a couple days of perfect health here and there.
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