Why did a skinned squirrel appear in my yard overnight?
That's the surreal question I've been trying to answer over the past hour or so. I found the remains of a squirrel in the back portion of my yard. I'll spare you the photos unless you're really interested and want to see a couple (Photo 1, Photo 2). I'm baffled.
So far I've come up with a number of possible explanations. My favorite blames the Perseid meteor shower. I figure a small space rock smashed into this guy so hard that it turned him inside out. Sounds plausible, right? No? OK, then how about electrocution. I found this guy below a powerline. Perhaps he was zapped with such force that his skin popped off.
You're right, neither of those is probably correct. That leaves human action of some sort. That's where I get baffled. Was this a drive-by squirreling? If so, whoever did it has a heck of an arm. Maybe a neighbor was casually skinning the squirrel in his back yard when he sneezed and the squirrel went flying. What a way to lose your dinner.
Or perhaps this is the Lincolnite equivalent of the Godfatherian horse head. I'm not sure who I ticked off or what I did to deserve a squirrel, though. Maybe my neighbor still holds a grudge from a couple years ago when people working in my yard massacred a couple of his bushes. Or maybe this guy finally trapped a squirrel and he wanted to show off his trophy.
Whatever brought the squirrel to my yard, I just want to say thank you. Breakfast was delicious.
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I am sure it would make a fine stew.
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