I knew that kids in public schools didn't get as much time for PE and recess as they used to, but this is really pathetic. LPS 4th graders get a whopping 10 minutes of decent physical activity per day. LPS should be embarrassed.
Not that they don't have their share of excuses and explanations. Public schools aren't what they used to be. They get to deal with everything from boneheaded politicians, laws, and regulations to boneheaded parents and bizarre home situations. But don't blame the teachers, or at least not any teacher I've ever spoken with. They've been unanimous for years in supporting more recess and PE. No, the ten minutes come from folks outside the classroom, not from within.
Maybe we should just install treadmills in every classroom. Then kids would never have to take their eyes off a textbook, much less step outside where they might skin a knee. It's the perfect plan!
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I’m really surprised that this article totally omitted the reason why schools can’t include adequate recesses during regular school hours. This isn’t exclusive to Lincoln, it’s nationwide, and it’s directly due to the “No Kid Left Behind” law that was passed in 2001. Since the passing of that bill, schools have been forced to extend class times, decrease recesses and non testing classes like Art and Music. I do not put any blame on LPS. None. They are held hostage to a law that is unrealistic, but holds their federal funding hostage if they don’t comply. Do a search on “recess No Kid Left Behind” and you’ll get the full story, and maybe divert your “they should be embarrassed” to the individuals who really should be so.
Wait—do you really think that the time they’re not spending in PE is spent in textbooks?
That and bubble wrapping parents threatening to sue the school every time their child runs, jumps, or skins a knee on a playground at school certainly helps with this as well. There are entire districts in some states that have banned recess outright.
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