Teen Angst

By: Mr. Wilson on June 4, 2010
The Wilsons went to Stransky Park last night for their Thursday night concert series. Last night's performers were bands from Academy of Rock. There's some pretty good talent among those performers. The real entertainment for The Missus and me was watching all of the teen concertgoers. To say we were amused would be an understatement. I'm just not around teenagers very often these days -- at least not off the soccer field -- so it's easy for me to forget just how goofy teens can be. The uneven growth patterns. The I'm-trying-so-hard-to-be-unconventional clothes. The look-at-me-but-don't-look-at-me behaviors. The raging hormones. And to think I used to be one of them. But I digress. I love Stransky Park, and the concert series is a great thing for that neighborhood. Bravo to the organizers for putting the event together.


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