Ted Stevens is a Big Fat Idiot
By: Mr. Wilson on
March 1, 2005
Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens said on Tuesday he would push to apply broadcast decency standards to subscription television and radio services like cable and satellite. "Cable is a much greater violator in the indecency area," the Alaska Republican told the National Association of Broadcasters, which represents most local television affiliates. "I think we have the same power to deal with cable as over-the-air" broadcasters. "There has to be some standard of decency," he said. Stevens told reporters afterward that he would push legislation to apply the standards to cable and satellite radio and television.I don't necessarily agree with the Democrats calling themselves "progressives" these days. Much of what the Democrats stand for -- which isn't that much, to be honest -- is less progressive than it is supportive of the status quo. Republicans, on the other hand, are more and more frequently earning themselves the right to be called the Regressive Party. Read the whole sordid tale.
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