Even though I spent the entirety of my K-12 years at LPS, I can't for the life of me recall if we ever spent any significant time learning about Lincoln's history. (I know we didn't talk very much about Lincoln's present.) Whenever I read Jim McKee's columns I think about how I wish I knew more about Lincoln's and Nebraska's history. I mean, have you ever heard of W.H.B. Stout? I sure haven't.
Does LPS have any sort of a "Lincoln history" component to any of their social studies classes? Should they?
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Around 7th grade we learned about Lincoln. I remember this only because we could get extra credit for the class if we visited the capital and the historic house near the capital. The best history I’ve been taught came from my grandfather, who used to be a constable for the Belmont area 😊
I remember the big 6th grade project was compiling our own “Nebraska Books”. We had to have sections on industry, agriculture, Native Americans, etc.
In the 8th grade at Crete Jr./Sr. High, we had a required Nebraska history class that I loved, being a dork and all. It covered from prehistoric times to prairie times. Wasn’t Lincoln specific though.
I would love a good proper book on Lincoln history.
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