I quit. Well, resigned, actually. I suppose "resigned" sounds less harsh, doesn't it?
This morning I submitted my resignation from the University of Nebraska Public Policy Center. My last day will be April 1. And I swear, despite my propensity for jokes and gags, this is no April Fools stunt. I have accepted the position of Communications and Data Specialist with the University of Nebraska - Lincoln Office of Academic Affairs.
I have alluded to the fact that something was going on in my life both on and off this blog. Mr. T., in fact, has, I think, known for quite some time that this was coming. He asked, on several occasions, if I was bailing out on him. I am. I will be leaving a whole bunch of people at the PPC who I don't particularly care to leave. But I just couldn't stay at the PPC any longer.
Don't get me wrong, the PPC did a lot for me in the three years I was there. I learned more in my three years with the PPC than in the six years it took to receive my BA and MA. And yet, I have felt unfulfilled for many, many months. Last September I said to the Missus, "If I'm still at the PPC at the end of the year, I will be really disappointed." I'm still there.
When I saw an ad for the Communications and Data Specialist position in the LJS back in late January, I knew it was for me. Of the job description I told the Missus, "It is describing me. Perfectly." So I applied. It was nearly a month before I heard anything. In late February I got a phone call from the head of the search committee. He spoke with one of my supervisors at the PPC. I interviewed for the position on March 7, a three-hour marathon with the search committee, the Senior V
ice Chancellor, and two sets of office staff. I got the call from the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on Friday afternoon.
It is difficult to describe exactly what I will be doing because I don't know exactly what I will be doing. The position is brand new, so even the search committee and the SVCAA couldn't precisely describe my day-to-day activities. But here are the basics: I will be in charge of a total reconception of the Academic Affairs websites (there are several). In fact, one of the things I had to prepare for the interview was a critique of their current website. That will be a huge job. I will also be in charge of creating reports, large and small, for internal and external use, on anything and everything Academic Affairs deals with. Diversity issues, faculty tenure topics, undergraduate research and creative activities ... all sorts of stuff. I will have access to all sorts of University databases from which I will collect whatever data I need. The most exciting part of the job is that I will get to meet and interact with all sorts of top dogs at the U -- vice chancellors and associate vice chancellors, deans ... maybe even ol' Harvey himself. Very cool stuff.
On a more practical side, I will be able to "go somewhere" in this position. I'll be honest: I won't be rolling in dough by taking this position. But I'm not rolling in dough right now. I'm comfortable, certainly, but I won't be making the Forbes list any time soon. What my new position does offer me is the opportunity for advancement. My current position's advancement opportunities: pretty much zilch. Besides, my position at the PPC is technically "temporary." It was never intended to last forever. I knew that going in, and so did my supervisors. At Academic Affairs I will finally be permanent, with all the perks and benefits that go with permanent positions.
Another major reason I went after this position is because it allows me to continue working Downtown. That means I can still take the bus to work, and I can still partake of Downtown's many and varied restaurants. Oso Tuesday is still on! I will also continue to be an employee of the University. I started working for the U back in 1998 as a work study student in the Graduate Studies office of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education and Human Sciences, nee Teachers College. For all its quirks, I enjoy working for the University. It will be fun to be back on campus after working in the Miller & Paine Building (sorry, Lincoln Square) these past couples years.
So there you have it. That's my big secret, the "project" I've been working on. No foolin'.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Congrats dude. I knew it was coming. It was obvious as hell to be honest with you, for a variety of reasons. I was just hoping you’d get a job with a good restaurant so I could stop by for free meals. So I’m a little dissapointed there. Oh well, can’t win em all. Heh.
Thanks, T Man. I took a look at the restaurant industry (seriously), but it’s not for me. At least, not right now. I think it could be a lot of fun, but damn it’s a lot of work. I like hard work and all, but I think the Missus would prefer I not be gone 20 hours per day.
14 days left at the PPC…
Congrats Dude!
Thanks, Chris.
Hey, are you in town this week? If you aren’t unconscious the whole time (and I can’t blame you, considering how much studying you do), be sure to give me a call or stop by.
Yep I’m in town. I’ll be here until tomorrow (for sure), but might stay longer.
As I just learned today…guess who now gets to go back to working on the disaster project? Me. Yay.
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