
By: Mr. Wilson on November 2, 2010
I just saw this tweet from Jack Mitchell:
Tired of ESPN announcers & their rants? KLIN is syncing the #Huskers radio audio with the TV broadcast for the ISU game so can turn 'em down
I'm not necessarily anti-TV announcer, but I grew up listening to games on the radio so I've always had a soft spot for the medium. I could see a lot of Husker fans taking advantage of this.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

No thanks
November 2, 2010 at 10:50PM

Why would anyone subject themselves to such agony?  When I am forced to listen to games on the radio, it makes me embarrassed to be a Husker fan the way those two clowns let cheerleading get in the way of actually calling a game.  Praise and excitment coming from an unbiased or even slightly anti-Husker announcer is far more thrilling than a couple of brownnosers who are going to cheer the Huskers no matter what happens on the play.

November 3, 2010 at 1:00PM

How recently have you tried to listen on the radio? I think it’s gotten better.

Mr. Wilson
November 3, 2010 at 1:12PM

Matt Davison is far too much of a cheerleader for my tastes. He’s better than he used to be—much better, in fact—but I still prefer broadcasters who don’t sound like they came straight out of the student section.

November 4, 2010 at 5:09PM

I was getting sick of Cunningham’s bias. When I heard him say “Whew” when a call went Missouri’s way, that was when I wished I could turn on the radio.

I think this is great news!

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