The Missus and I attended an infant care and CPR class last night. It's a three-week (or four-week?) course put on by St. Elizabeth's. The first session wasn't too bad. In fact, it was nice to hear repeated over and over "if you use common sense and go with what works, you won't screw up your infant". Those weren't the woman's exact words, but the gist of the message was the same. The two big no-no's seemed to be "no shaking" (duh) and "no wiping back to front".
The evening took a goofy turn when the woman leading the class fired up a video hosted by Pam Dauber. That's right, Pam Dauber, from Mork and Mindy fame. It's a credit to the makers of the video that, save for the outdated clothing and eye glasses, you could hardly tell it was over 20 years old.
One of the things we worked on was swaddling. Now, I can honestly say I've never swaddled in public until last night. Last night I swaddled all over the place. It was fun, like making a baby burrito. I swaddled my little plastic baby like a pro. Speaking of the little plastic baby, she was pretty neat. She even had a uvula. I don't think I've ever seen a doll with a uvula before.
The participants in the class are pretty varied. The Missus and I were among the younger participants out of about a dozen couples. There's a decent mix of incomes, interests, due dates, day care plans, and all that. The Missus and I were the only (soon-to-be) adoptive parents. We got just a tiny bit of the "Oh, that's so great!" vibe that can be a little annoying, but it was gone very quickly. The Missus suggested we should have tried to pass her off as 8 months pregnant, but we wimped out.
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