Suspension of Disbelief

By: Mr. Wilson on August 12, 2011
This press release from Lincoln Police Department is interesting enough for how many people were arrested after a concentrated effort to clear up a backlog of outstanding warrants. But look down int he second paragraph. Seven officers in a "saturation detail" picked up a whopping five people for driving under suspension. Think about that for a moment. Those five people weren't targeted in any specific way. They just happen to have been among drivers caught doing something -- even a minor something -- wrong. If seven officers can happen upon five people driving under suspension, imagine how many other drivers are out there on suspended licenses.


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Errandbug Restaurant Delivery
August 14, 2011 at 2:01AM

I have seen this up in Omaha the most.  The state patrol camps out on an exit and does a “safety check”  But you know they find all sorts of folks that are driving with no insurance, have arrest warrants, etc. 

I am really surprised sometimes that the LPD does not basically just camp out and do “safety checks” on random streets coming out of downtown Lincoln for folks driving home after drinking.  But it is disappointing that it took 7 paid officers to find just 5 folks driving under suspended licenses.  Especially since suspended licenses can sometimes be as simple as not paying a speeding ticket.  Now if they would have found one serial killer now that would have been a story!

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