Sunken Gardens
By: Mr. Wilson on
August 3, 2005
- The dome at the entrance is very cool.
- I like the extensive brick work on the paths. Somebody spent a lot of time cutting and laying bricks.
- The bench that appears to be the lopped-off top of an old column or pillar is a nice touch.
- Why is the upper path composed of loose gravel rather than bricks? The gravel was not very stable and thus not very accessible to persons with disabilities.
- Volunteers are being recruited to spend one night per month at the gardens to help prevent vandalism. Seems like a flood light and a couple web cams could do the trick.
- On the whole the designers did a very good job integrating plenty of appropriate seating opportunities. Their biggest fault -- and it's not very big -- was in leaving out moveable seating. But that's a minor quibble.
- Even the parking lot looks nice. Nobody ever spends time designing parking lots to be attractive. Kudos to whoever spent the time to think about the parking lot.
- The sculptures (Rebecca at the Well and another one, the name of which escapes me right now) are very nice, but they are situated in locations that may make them easier to vandalize.
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