Stupid Political Antics

By: Mr. Wilson on February 19, 2008
Domain squatting is stupid and petty and lame, and thus, so is the Nebraska GOP. Come on, NGOP, grow up a bit. Are you really so threatened by Max Yashirin -- a 25-year old political nobody who plans to take on the popular incumbent Jeff Fortenberry -- that you have to sink to engaging in junior high pranks to put him down? Give me a break. To be fair, the content the NGOP had originally posted on the site -- photos of Yashirin engaged in a little stereotypical college-style drinking and smoking -- isn't necessarily unfair. Yashirin is young, and raising questions about his age and maturity is appropriate. On the flip side, Nebraska Democrats executive director Matt Conneally's defense that "this is a military veteran that the Republicans are attacking" is a yawner. Military service does not provide any sort of shield in the world of politics, nor should it. Fair questions (in this case about age and maturity) are fair questions. In the end, though, the NGOP wins the Biggest Loser award for this round. Give the man his domain name and play like adults. (And let this be a lesson to all you kiddies out there with political ambitions: grab that domain name long before you make any sort of announcement!)


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Diane Kaye
February 19, 2008 at 2:55PM

In addition to grabbing up a domain name before announcing, they should also take care of the Internet stuff floating around (FaceBook, MySpace, etc.). Methinks that in the future, a good number of people will regret what they have posted online in their earlier years.

February 19, 2008 at 3:19PM

Is it petty and lame? Sure. Is petty and lame unusual in politics? Have you been watching the Clintons v. Obama? Not that I think it was a classy move by the state GOP, but this is not a uniqueness. Politics seems to be (sadly) an ugly, messy game. I also think it’s a game that too many people like to just play, with little hope for actual results for people like you and me.

Dave K
February 19, 2008 at 4:11PM

I think it’s great, though I’m a little disappointed that they took the site down before I could see it.

Fletch is right, politics is a dirty game and you should come ready to play.  This simple episode proves that Max Yashirin is not ready to play, since neither he nor the Dems were smart enough to register his domain before going public.  The pictures themselves hint that we may get another Nantkes-like disaster if we were to elect him.  I think that’s something people would want to consider when going to vote.


I have every iteration of my name registered as a domain.  Not because I’m going to run for political office, but because I hope someone with my name becomes famous and offers me a million dollars for my domain. 😊

February 19, 2008 at 6:49PM

“The pictures themselves hint that we may get another Nantkes-like disaster if we were to elect him.”
This from someone who has NOT seen the photos…Nice

And we all know they took it down because it was flat out wrong.
If not it should be back up today.

February 19, 2008 at 7:26PM

Ya know Dave as long as we are making wild assumptions; he was born in Russia so he must be a communist as well.
But the NGOP is probably holding that card close to the chest as well.

Mr. Wilson
February 19, 2008 at 7:35PM

He’s a roosky? Well then, we need not fear a Nantkes-esque ending to this tale, for we all know that Russians can hold their vodka.

Dave K
February 19, 2008 at 7:42PM

That just means he’ll be driving a tank when he runs into the snow plow, which I would really like to see.

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