Street Finder

By: Mr. Wilson on January 22, 2008
There was a time I was pretty good at being able to tell you what part of town a street was in. You could tell me a street name, and more often than not, I could tell you its approximate neighborhood. Not any more. Lincoln is too big, and the proliferation of similarly-named streets (Woodland, Woodlawn, Woodlane) makes it even more tricky. Street finder to the rescue. You feed it the information you know, it gives you the street's location. It'll even give you a map. Very handy.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

January 22, 2008 at 4:40PM

I am more of a google maps guy, but that is pretty neat.

Used to do pizza delivery, I had our area down really good.

January 22, 2008 at 4:42PM

...and their technology.

Back when I was a cab driver, I had to rip out those street directory pages from the phone book, put them in plastic sleeves and keep them in a handy 3-ring binder with my cab driver’s license.

Now all these young whippersnappers with their iPhones and their GPS Blackberries won’t need to know the value of good old-fashioned phone book ripping and binder assembly.

January 22, 2008 at 4:43PM

Same here.  All public phone books had those pages ripped out.  lets see K 11…. oh there it is 😊

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