Strange Crew

By: Mr. Wilson on June 21, 2005
It happens every year around this time: the drama dweebs are in town. They're an odd bunch, those drama dweebs. They descend upon the UNL campus and noodle around Downtown each summer when they come to attend some sort of camp that caters to their kind. They're easy to spot: in addition to conspicuous nametags dangling from their necks, their dress is ostentatious and their actions even moreso. Even when you cannot see them, you can certainly hear them. They're a loud bunch. In fact, the drama dweebs are such a strange lot that I have to wonder if they are brought here, not to attend a camp, but to be the unwitting subjects of some psychological or sociological study. I think the camp is just a ruse. In any event, keep a lookout for the attack of the drama dweebs. And for Pete's sake be careful, lest you become an accidental participant in one of their bizarre dramatic efforts.


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