Start ‘Em Young

By: Mr. Wilson on October 12, 2011
I'm intrigued by the idea behind the new "Educare" center that will be attached to Belmont Elementary. It's a research-focused child care center and preschool put together by LPS, NU, NU Foundation, Community Action Network, and Buffett Early Childhood Fund. I'm very curious what sort of outcomes they'll be able to see over the next ten or fifteen years. I make no predictions about the role of the methodologies they'll use. However our family has witnessed firsthand the value of stability and consistent intervention in helping at-risk kids. Simply having a good place to go day after day will play a huge role in these kids' lives, regardless of any novel educational approaches used while they're there. I'm impressed that they think they'll be open a year from now. That seems speedy. I look forward to seeing the finished product -- and I don't just mean the building.


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