Starship Troopers

By: Mr. Wilson on March 5, 2006
When the new parking garage/high-rise proposal was first announced, I didn't think there would be much of an uproar about the Starship 9 going the way of the Dodo. The place is grungy and ill-maintained, and nobody goes there any more. Right? Wrongo. I've been impressed by the Starship Troopers, the defenders of Lincoln's two buck "dollar theater". I had no idea so many people were so passionate about the Starship. Unfortunately for them, there aren't enough of them to halt the Starship's demise. But based on what I've read and heard there ought to be enough of them to justify a replacement sooner rather than later.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
March 6, 2006 at 6:18PM

Yes there is definitely a desire for a low budget movie house. Additionally, I have noticed from time to time that they also show independent films that neither the bigger theaters or the Ross show. “Better Luck Tomorrow” is one example that comes to mind.

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