Star Tran Survey

By: Mr. Wilson on May 23, 2006
Star Tran is conducting a ridership survey on its buses. I was impressed by how many people not only picked up the survey, but actually completed it and handed it to the driver. I was also extremely impressed by the quality of the survey. Few people know how to write a good survey. The Star Tran survey was well written and I only had a couple nits to pick. If it had one big flaw it was the survey's length (1 sheet, front and back), which might scare off some of Star Tran's primary riders. But making it shorter would have required sacrificing some items Star Tran probably wasn't willing to sacrifice. The survey's final question was a predictable one: how would you make Star Tran better? There are a host of possibilities, but I think the one thing Star Tran really needs to take a serious look at is discarding the single-hub model and adopting a multi-hub approach. Currently almost every route loops through Downtown. That means if you want to cross from the north side of town to the south, you first have to go through Downtown. Even if you want to go from 70th and Havelock to 70th and A. It's silly and impractical in a city Lincoln's size. A multi-hub model comes with its own downsides, but I think it's worth looking into. What one thing would you say would improve Star Tran?


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