Something Happened Today, But We’re Not Going to Tell You About It
By: Mr. Wilson on
September 4, 2009
On Thursday, several [County] commissioners said they're perturbed over distribution of a flier with "misinformation" about the county-owned [Lancaster Manor] nursing home. "I want to know who did this. No one's name is on this. ... Where is it being distributed?" asked Commissioner Bob Workman, who characterized the one-page flier as "obnoxious lies." The sheet purports to give myths and facts about the manor's financial history, the Rothner family and Hunter Management, the use of tax revenues, and the need for repairs and new equipment at 22-year-old Lancaster Manor.So we've got a pamphlet of "lies" floating around out there. Wouldn't it be nice to know what's in it? I know I would like to read it. Tough cookies. The Journal Star isn't interested showing us a copy so we can decide for ourselves just how "obnoxious" the flier is. Grr. And double-grr to the fact that the Journal Star teases us by saying the County Board approved a fact sheet of its own, but we don't get to see that either. The flier, by the way, is being distributed by "AFSCME No. 2468, the local union that represents manor employees". If you happen to see their booth at the State Fair could you grab a copy of their flier and send it my way? I'll post it here for everybody to see.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
They’ve really been slipping lately on all counts, in my opinion. I wish I knew what the cause was.
I love the Biz Buzz blog, but it seems the updates are less common.
The number of stories that seem to be missing one or more components of “who, what, where, when, and how” seems to be on an uptick.
The website is still slow, and seems to feature much less in terms of stories than they did before the conversion. And don’t get me started about the commenting.
The only part of the paper that seems to be working and thriving is the “Life in the Red” blog - great content, updated many times a day, and commenting that mostly works. Of course, it doesn’t look right if you use Mr. W’s favorite browser, MSIE, but hey - why conform to the 65% or so percent of the public that uses some version of MSIE.
I think the higher-ups at the LJS are asleep at the wheel.
Those poor people that created these fact sheets that no one can read. :(
I wondered the same thing when I read the article. Wouldn’t it be handle if the JS either debunked or confirmed the assertions in either version of the pamphlet?
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