Some Restaurant Updates

By: Mr. Wilson on January 22, 2007
The Missus and I tried to meet some friends at Doughboyz on Saturday night, but a sign on the door says it is closed indefinitely. Anybody out there have the details on this one? I noticed a job posting for a new Fireworks location in southeast Lincoln. (The Wal-Mart area, perhaps?) Now Fireworks and The Oven will both have locations outside the Haymarket. Hmm... Ate with my parents at Paul's BBQ (48th and Pioneers) recently. I really enjoy that place. Famous Dave's it ain't, and I like it that way. It has an almost small town charm to it. It's simple, it's clean, and the food is tasty. It's a success story for a local entrepreneur, and the restaurant is a great addition to the College View neighborhood.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

January 22, 2007 at 2:02PM

According to an article in the LJS a while back, the Lazlo’s team will be closing the downtown Fireworks when the new one (in the general area you described) opens.  They are doing so in order to expand the present Lazlo’s into the space that both restaurants presently occupy.  From what I understand, it is an effort to create a real bar/lounge at Lazlo’s, which it clearly does not have now, and to eliminate its horrible weekend (and frequently weeknight) waits that, I know, have left it off my list many nights.

Meanwhile, that is interesting about Doughboyz…I have to admit that I was rather disillusioned by Scrumpy Jack’s and I never gave its cousin a chance, which was rather unfair.

January 23, 2007 at 2:16AM

I’ve liked Doughboyz both times I’ve been there although I could never stand to read the inane menu.  Scrumpy Jack’s I was never a big fan of.  Is it still open?

Paul’s is awesome, although to me, the feel was not small town at all, but of a BBQ joint in a big city in a mismatched building like many chicken and BBQ places I’ve eaten at in Chicago.

January 23, 2007 at 3:36PM

Scrumpy’s is still open and appears to be doing fine. My fiance and I were there a couple of Friday evenings ago and had to wait a good 30 min. for a table. Though, I thought the food wasn’t quite up to what it was on our first couple of visits.

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