Toney the harbor seal is moving out, headed to a salt water swimming hole in Louisville, Kentucky. This leaves the Lincoln Children's Zoo without a seal for the first time since 1990. I never fell in love with the seals, but I know many Lincolnites grew up with them.
I, on the other hand, grew up with a certain grizzly that many of you will remember. (Quiz: Do you remember his name and where he came from?) I still miss that old fella.
I'm sure the zoo already has plans, or at least ideas, but I wonder what you all would put in the seal location. More aquatic animals? Penguins, perhaps? How about a large prairie dog village? Let's brainstorm!
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I remember Big Ben - he was stinky, but I miss him. I don’t remember where he came from, though.
He was in Grizzly Adams.
As part of a philanthropy project, one year I got to paint a number of things at the zoo, including the dino fountain and Big Ben’s area. Good times.
I hope they don’t get anymore seals. The issue with people not abiding by the rule of “don’t throw stuff in tank” disgusted me and killed at least 2 of the seals. Those seals just weren’t safe.
I was disappointed when they changed the dino fountain, but the kids seemed to like it.
I’d like to see a gorilla or an elephant.. :grin
For the life of me, I cannot figure out what would possess someone to throw something into the seal’s habitat. I just don’t get it. My kids are bummed about Toney leaving.
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