Sneering Eyes for the Word ‘Guys’
By: Mr. Wilson on
August 19, 2005
) It's friendly, it's pleasant, and it's extremely Nebraskan. Some folks use folks already, and that's great. I would like to encourage restaurant managers to deprecate use of the word guys by employees to customers. Then other businesses should catch on. Eventually, the demise of guys would be inevitable! Mwa ha ha ha ha! Ahem, sorry about that.
There are limitations to the word folks, of course. A police officer wouldn't approach a group of troublemaking teenage boys and say "Pardon me, what are you folks up to this evening?" Nor would a group of guys watching a football game in a bar be referred to as folks; they are, of course, guys. There's a qualitative di
fference between folks and guys. It's really quite easy to make the distinction once you know to look for it. All I ask is that folks be called folks and guys be called guys. I've heard servers refer to 80 year-old men and women drinking coffee at Village Inn as guys, for Pete's sake. If you think there's nothing wrong with that you probably also think it's ok to call the President "Head Dude" to his face. If that's the case, I really can't help you.
Remember, folks, change begins with you. Join the pro-folks brigade today and stamp out guys overuse!
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I’m right there with you, mr. wilson. I have been using ‘folks’ for a while now, instead of ‘guys’.
But, I will NOT call a conversation a ‘visit’!
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