Smiling on Lincoln

By: Mr. Wilson on October 26, 2006
Lincoln has a negativity problem. Read the comments on just about any article at and you'll see what I mean. Bitch. Moan. Repeat. And it's not just an online issue, of course. (I'm guilty of negativity more often than I would like to be. For some reason I come across as much more negative in writing than in person. Many of you who have never met me probably think I'm quite sour. I'm not, I swear!) Why are we so negative? We live in a great city. We may not have everything we want -- I hear 98% of Lincolnites really really really want a Cheesecake Factory -- but it's pretty hard to argue that we don't have darn near everything we need. Midwesterners, as a general rule, tend not to be especially giddy, so it's probably in our collective character to be a little down. But that doesn't explain all of it. I think the fact that we have so many irons in the fire -- beltways, Antelope Valley, an arena, thousands of blighted acres up for redevelopment -- with completion uncertain or years off plays a role as well. What does Lincoln need to break out of the negativity trap? A marketing campaign? A Husker football National Championship? Maybe. I think a strong, confident leader would help. One of my biggest complaints about Mayor Seng is that she doesn't have a very convincing public presence. She doesn't project an aura of "Lincoln is a great town and you'd be a fool to think otherwise". I think that would really energize people. That's not to say Seng is at fault for Lincolnites' negativity; not at all. But she could do a better job helping us turn our frowns upside down. Are a grin on our faces and a skip in our steps really that important? I think so. I think one's attitude has a lot to do with one's success, and the same holds true for groups. Perhaps the next One Book, One Lincoln book should be The Little Engine that Could. Do you see the negativity too? What can be done about it?


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Dave K
October 26, 2006 at 2:09PM

I definitely see the negativity in the LJS comments.  Hell, I’m a regular participant.  But if you were to generalize what you see in those comments to the rest of Lincoln, then 98% of Lincoln would be anti-Christian, socialist, liberal Democrats.  A special population is attracted to commenting on articles on the Journal Star website, so generalizations should be minimalized.  Having said that, I do believe Lincolnites are more negative than they should be.  I think this can be attributed at least in part to the circus clowns we have running this city.  Mayor Seng is the worst mayor this side of Ray Nagin, and our City Council has more boneheads than Predator’s spaceship.  I don’t know what there is to do about it, other than elect all new leaders.  One thing is certain: a Husker championship would do wonders (not for me since, I couldn’t care less about them, but I can’t deny it would help the mood of this city, if for only a few weeks).

Mr. T
October 26, 2006 at 2:22PM

I actually take issue with your assumption Mr. Wilson. Lincoln is NOT a great city. San Francisco, New York, Paris…THOSE are great cities.

What I find nice about Lincoln, however, and for that matter Nebraska, is that the people here sort of know this collectively. They know that this state has big problems and is looked down on by others. They know there are no mountains or beaches here. But they make up for it in lack of pretension and every day courtesies that you wouldn’t experience in some of those truly “great cities.” That is one thing Lincolnites (and Nebraskans) should be proud of.

But having said that, yeah, anytime and anywhere you open up an anonymous web forum somewhere, 99% of people will female dog.

October 26, 2006 at 7:28PM

I thought we were supposed to be nice in the midwest…

October 26, 2006 at 10:12PM

I enjoy the LJS forums for the simple humor factor, but I do wonder what it does for people that are thinking of moving to our fair city.  I have lived here for about four and half years, and I moved to Nebraska from the east coast.  So, I certainly read the online papers before coming out here.  I would be a little off-put from the daily biatching that goes on.  I also know to take it with a grain of salt, but to know how to gauge the size of said grain comes from knowing the community.  Outsiders don’t have that luxury.

From these comments, the biggest thing I would want to know is…why are all the people moving away?  It seems every other poster (non-political poster, that is) is either happy they left or can’t wait to leave.  In reality, I am not seeing so much of that.

I also have a bit of perspective having lived, as an adult, in several other cities.  Lincoln is not so bad.  It isn’t Paris, New York, or London.  It is pretty cheap, comparatively easy to travel through, and pretty darn safe.  I can’t think of too much to complain about in general.  The little things that we CONSTANTLY debate do show that, as a whole, we really don’t have bigger fish to fry, and I am pretty much OK with that.

October 28, 2006 at 12:41AM

I agree with ST, I would think someone who was thinking of moving to Lincoln would be turned off after looking at the LJS comments.  I just read the article on there about Extreme Makeover and the moaning and groaning on there is sickening.  Can’t people just be happy?!?!?! 

Anyhow, yes, I do think the leadership of Lincoln has an effect on the city’s overall outlook.  Hopefully the new mayor, whoever that will be, can help improve this.

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