
By: Mr. Wilson on June 13, 2006
Does anybody like Nebraska's current marketing slogan, "Possibilities...Endless"? Ugh, it grated on me the first time I heard it, and I still think it's awful. But Nebraska has a history of bad slogans. Personally, I haven't been crazy about any of our state's slogans since "Nebraska...The Good Life" from the 1970's. But that's just me. What would your slogan for Nebraska be? There are plenty of snarky answers to that question, sure, but some of us really do like this state. How would you sell Nebraska to outsiders? To Nebraskans?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

June 14, 2006 at 2:52AM

Honestly, I can’t think of anything. I will grant that Nebraska is a really good place to raise a family- if I had kids, I would probably stay here.

But vacations? nah.

So, maybe they’re trying to get the wrong crowd?

“Nebraska… a great place to raise a family”

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