Slimy Ernie

By: Mr. Wilson on March 1, 2006
I'm a big Ernie Chambers supporter in general, but when he does things like threaten to block Lincoln-related legislation merely for spite, I really loathe the guy. The source of his ire is Sen. David Landis' LB1105, which would prop up the Qwest Center with extra tax dollars. (If I understand the bill's summary correctly, the tax dollars would come from expanding taxable events at the Center, not from the general tax pool.) I completely understand Senator Chambers' anger. The Qwest is yet another large civic project built on false promises and unrealistic revenue projections. But why go after Lincoln in such a petty and childish (read: Chambers-like) way? Here's an even better question: why is Lincoln's David Landis driving an Omaha-centric bill? Shouldn't he be focusing on matters a little closer to home?


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