Sin City

By: Mr. T on April 2, 2005
The movie version of "Sin City" is an, AWESOME, amazingly well done and very fun adaptation of the graphic novels. I saw it last night and it was a blast. I loved it. If you are familiar with the graphic novels, you will not be dissapointed. First of all, 99.9% of the dialogue is pulled exactly from the comic books and the stories are the exact same. Even the frames, angles, and costumes are virtually the same. The artwork is insane. If you are familiar with the comic, Miller perfected the use of black and white, particularly in pattern work, he first started using when he penned Daredevil. (Brief digression here: the Daredevil movie with Ben Affleck was also an adaption of Miller's work when he both wrote and drew Daredevil, and was not nearly as good an adaption of Sin City.) The scenes are filmed in ways that replicate the frames from the comic. The only 4 digressions from the comic I spotted are (SPOILER AHEAD????) 1) in the comic Kevin appeared to be older than he is in the movie. In the movie, he is played by the young guy who played Frodo in the Lord of the Rings movies. 2) In the fight scene between Marv and Kevin, in the comic I think Marv literally did lose his eye (or it could have been some other organ) and he mentioned something like "oh well, I only need one" or something like that. 3) I was always under the impression, though perhaps an incorrect one, that the original Goldie was actually a black or latino woman and not a white woman - albeit with blond hair. In the movie, she is white. Not that it really matters or anything, but an interesting observation about Miller's work (and another reason why he was so groundbreaking) was that his storylines often featured interracial couples (see the original Wolverine limited series and the Ronin series he did with DC). 4) There are a few "interlinking scenes" with characters common to the 3 stories depicted in the movie that didnt exi st in the comics. Again, not a major thing, but I guess they had to do it to make the stories connect with familiar faces sort of like in Pulp Fiction. Speaking of which, why the hell did QT get a "guest director" spot in this one? WTF? My only dissapointment with the movie is, and this is by no means a negative remark, that it wasn't as good as the graphic novels. The original comics are still better. And I think that's the way its supposed to be (only exception being "The Godfather"). So anyway, GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!!! NOW! STOP READING THIS. DO NOT WALK. RUN TO THE NEAREST MOVIE THEATER AND WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!! 6 STARS OUT OF 5 STARS!!!!! GO GO! SEE THIS MOVIE!!!! NOW!!!


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Mr. Wilson
April 4, 2005 at 7:39PM

I didn’t read your entire post because I didn’t want to stumble across any spoilers. I think I got the gist, though.

I hadn’t even heard of Sin City until a week or so ago, and now I’m very interested in seeing it. The plot doesn’t interest me so much as the story behind how the movie was made. Who knows when I’ll have a chance to see it—especially if the Missus isn’t interested in it—but I’ll check it out one of these days. At worst, I’ll catch it when it comes out on DVD.

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