Cable Advisory Board member Herb Friedman wants to "show the outrage" by requesting a 50% rebate from Time Warner Cable. I can't believe that Time Warner would comply with a rebate request even close to 50% -- the request is just that, the Board can't force Time Warner to pay up -- but hey, maybe they'll surprise me. On the other hand, 15% sounds perfectly reasonable to me.
How much would you ask for? Would you try to be realistic and request a rebate that correlates with the actual inconveniences you faced? Or would you follow in Mr. Friedman's footsteps and "show the outrage"?
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I think the 15-20% range would be good, but I don’t think their approach has been terrible. I am getting a year of no charge for the HD tier. I am sure if I didn’t already have movie channels, I could have gotten them free. If they won’t do a rebate of 15% percent or even 10%, how about 10 or 15% more channels at no additional cost. Or a second set-top box and remote for free. Or a price freeze for a couple of years? Or more HD channels at no charge. There are plenty of ways they could “make good” without necessarily rebating money.
I do think, however, that not just the squeeky wheels should get the oil. I think if there are freebies or rebates, every paying customer should be entitle to them, even if that customer hasn’t ever called to complain. There should be a menu - pick one or two of these services or discounts as our thank you, and list 5 or 6 things, so people can get what they want and everyone gets something, not just the vocal customers like me.
And, if TW is reading this - can we PLEASE GET THE FREAKIN’ NFL NETWORK? I don’t care what tier it’s on, just git ‘r done!
I agree with Fletch completely.
I think a blanket rebate for all digital cable and DVR subscribers in the neighborhood of 15-20% is really the only way to go. Something around 50% is absurd. If it is that bad and someone is so ‘outraged’, they should have honestly dropped TWC.
I am somewhat regretting not being a squeakier wheel in this case. We had some problems with our DVR and HD DVR. Knowing that TWC was swamped with complaints and that hold times on the phone were quite long, I didn’t call every time I had an issue. Honestly, I have other things to do and it was a busy time of year. If it happened during the summer, I might have been a little more proactive in being on the phone. I only called twice when the DVR reverted back to the old software, wiping out the hard drive, and had a technician visit when the HD DVR stopped working with our HDMI cable.
I also agree that a menu of choices would be fantastic. I could not care less about movie channels, but I would love to have a free month (or months) of my second DVR for free!
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