Color me surprised. Nebraska State Treasurer Shane Osborn is calling it quits, he says to spend more time with his kids. That forces me to back off from my ongoing accusations that Mr. Osborn is one part treasurer, three parts publicity hound. If this is another act of self-promotion it sure is a bizarre one.
Osborn will leave under two dark clouds of accusations. His estranged wife says he abused her, and one of his employees says Osborn told him to violate labor laws (followed by Osborne demoting the guy after he blew the whistle). Yikes. Both matters are just accusations for now, but neither one bodes well for future political aspirations.
So is this the end of Shane Osborn's political life, an ending almost as unusual as the event eight years ago that started it? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
He’s just doing it for political gain!
Speaking of that, I don’t know what Jon Bruning is up to these days, but whatever it is, it’s for political gain!
He was working two jobs, after all. 😉
That is the first time a LJS article about him did not make sure you knew he is a republican.
I am sure we will be hearing this soon
Palin: “You KNOW Alaska rhymes WITH Nebraska and Shane is a very GOOD football coach AND I think HE will be great FIT with me ON my campaign”. “You know our troops DO not quit, Just like Shane AND I did not quit because QUITTERS and THE media just loves TO call people quitters and THAT is why we will move forward to Victory”.
I figure he knows he can’t win….the kids have little to nothing to do with it. He worked two jobs; tells me he was busy with work, not kids.
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