Senatorial Stupidity

By: Mr. Wilson on April 27, 2006
Senate Republicans want to send you a check for $100 to spend on gas. I'm speechless. It's like watching third-graders run government. Seriously, who could possibly think this is a good idea? Can anybody defend this idiocy?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Dave K
April 27, 2006 at 1:44PM

The only idiocy is saying that it’s for gas money.  If they wanted to write me a check for $100 because a purple donkey just crossed the street, that would be fine with me. I am never opposed to the government giving money back to the taxpayers, but to offer this as a solution to rising gas prices seems kind of odd.  It certainly is better than the Democrats’ plan, which is to repeal the federal gas tax and make up the deficit by taxing the oil companies more.

Mr. Wilson
April 27, 2006 at 2:11PM

I am never opposed to the government giving money back to the taxpayers…

I am. Giving money back is stupid. If you were going to give it back (minus the overhead associated with the red tape required to take it and return it), why the hell did you take it from me in the first place?

<em>It certainly is better than the Democrats

Dave K
April 27, 2006 at 2:28PM

I am. Giving money back is stupid. If you were going to give it back (minus the overhead associated with the red tape required to take it and return it), why the hell did you take it from me in the first place?

You’re opposed to getting money back because it has already been taken from you?  That doesn’t make any sense.  Don’t get me wrong, the money shouldn’t be taken in the first place.  But it has, so if they want to give it back to us, they’re more than welcome to.

April 27, 2006 at 8:22PM

If they do it I’ll endorse mine straight to the Democratic National Committee.

April 27, 2006 at 8:56PM

It’s just a way for them to sound like they’re doing something for people who have to pay for their own gas without addressing any of the root causes. 

Yeah, so that guy from Exxon with 9 necks just got a $100 million bonus because his company recorded more profits than any other company in history but not taxing the big oil companies will allow those profits to trickle down don’t you see.

Plain Patriot
April 29, 2006 at 4:54AM

I’m with Dave K on this one.  The analogy I like to use, is theft.  Afterall, what is an income tax, but government sponsored theft.  You have no control over it (can’t really lower your tax burden unless you choose to make less money) and it is backed up with force.  Therefore, turning down money that the government wants to give back is like turning down money from the thief just because you don’t like the reason he is giving it back.  Very Odd.  Afterall, if you really want to donate the money to the government, you are more than welcome to rip up the rebate check, but I have a feeling that won’t be happening in any large numbers.  Of course the long term answer is to quit stealing in the first place.

Mr. Wilson
April 29, 2006 at 1:29PM

<em>Therefore, turning down money that the government wants to give back is like turning down money from the thief just because you don

Plain Patriot
May 3, 2006 at 2:21AM

Ok…fine…your analogy is better (quit gloating…ha ha).  However, I stand by my position that it is rather odd reaction to lobby that the thief not send you the Bed, Bath and Beyond gift certificate.  The outrage however, is understandable.

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