The Journal Star took a look at whether or not Mayor Colleen Seng should run for a second term in this morning's paper. I took a look at that question way back in November.
The article's main points seem to be:
- Mayor Colleen Seng is nice.
- She likes being Mayor.
- She works hard.
- She thrives on acceptance and agreement.
- Her approval rating is weak.
- She gets beat pretty good in polls comparing her to her likely challengers.
As I have already said, I don't think she should run again. This morning's article only reinforces my opinion. As a community, Lincoln probably needs a mayor like Colleen Seng every now and then. I don't think we are the type of community that can be led by an aggressive, hard-charging executive year after year after year. But right now, I think the community is ready for a little aggressiveness. We want somebody with answers, and we want him or her to put those answers in place. There can be danger in that sort of leadership, of course, but I think Lincoln is ready to tolerate the challenges.
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