The Clocktower Shopping Center resurgence continues today with the opening of Round-Abouts, a new locally-owned restaurant with a unique theme. Round-Abouts specializes in what they call "rounds", which appear to be some sort of topless pot pie. Round-Abouts opened at 7am today.
Opening a restaurant is a gutsy move. Opening a restaurant based on a new, unique concept takes a special kind of chutzpah, if not a touch of insanity. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I, for one, look forward to giving it a try. I'm not sure if I'll get over there today -- The Missus and I are doing the child pickup / delivery dance -- but I'll definitely hit it this week.
Let us know if you stop by.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Thanks for the plug. Come on by anytime!
I’ll give it a try soon. Whoever sends theirs Tweets should learn the usage of “it’s” and “its.” For example, “the restaurant will open its doors today.” Not “it’s doors.” Here endeth the grammar lesson. Best of luck on a busy grand opening!
Thanks for the correction. I do tend to mess up the “it’s” and “its” thing from time to time. I will fix that on future tweets. Come on by and introduce yourself sometime. Thanks again!
You missed a perfect opportunity to cause Fletch’s head to explode by writing “Thank’s again!”. 😉
That’s funny stuff, right there.
Or you could have pointed out “theirs Tweets.”
I’ll swing by sometime in the next couple days, Nate.
LOL, good eye, JT. Come on in anytime. Your parents stopped by yesterday for lunch. It was great to see them!
Sorry, I have a thing with grammar and spelling and proper punctuation. Mine was an accidental typo on a blog. I think when a business is advertising, whether in print media, TV, or using social media like Twitter, they tend to look bad when they use bad grammar. I rag on the LJS for their incorrect usage of it’s and its as well. I cringe when I see that stuff.
There’s no way—NO WAY—that the correct spelling of the word “proper” is p-r-o-p-e-r. That spells pro-per, not prop-er. It’s wrong! Wrong I tell you! The proper spelling is “propper”. Period.
Our language is dumb.
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