The Missus is heading back to work next week, so this week she is taking Robbie to day care for half-day trial runs. Although Robbie is beginning to show a mommy preference, I think he'll be just fine. In fact, I think he'll really enjoy being around the other children, even if it means giving up a share of the spotlight. The Missus, on the other hand, would probably prefer to win the lottery in the very near future so that she can stay home with her little Ethiopian lover. (You can thank Robbie's aunt for that nickname.) Alas, that's awfully unlikely. But just in case, maybe I'll go buy a Powerball ticket or two this week. Couldn't hurt.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Good luck with the Powerball.
Speaking from experience, the daycare thing is usually much harder on the parent than it is on the kid. Robbie will be fine. He’ll be better than fine, he’ll love it.
A great daycare provider makes all the difference; you’ll know she’s great the first time Robbie want to stay rather than go home. THAT’ll be even harder on the parent, but you’ll know yu have a great caretaker.
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