Rising Rates

By: Mr. Wilson on April 26, 2005
LES wants to raise rates by an impressive 9%. That's a pretty hefty rate increase, if you ask me. LES has rightfully accumulated a nice stash of customer satisfaction capital over the years due to its excellent customer service and low rates. I wonder how much of that capital will be wiped out by this announcement.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
April 27, 2005 at 2:41AM

That does seem like quite a hike to me as well. Particularly if you live in an energy inefficient abode like mine. For the amount of rent I am paying, it pisses me off that they can’t put in decent windows and doors.

Mr. Wilson
April 27, 2005 at 4:01PM

To this day I remain convinced that I wasn’t paying for all of my electricity at my previous apartment. My bills were just too dang low. I swear somebody crossed some wires and my neighbors were being charged for my electricity usage.

Maybe you should try to set up something similar 😊

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