Right Down the Middle

By: Mr. Wilson on September 13, 2006
Robert had his four-month well baby checkup today. He weighed in at 14lbs 12oz and measured 25" long. According to baby growth charts, he is almost exactly at the 50th percentile in weight, height, and head circumference. Robbie is, in other words, the picture of the average baby. Robbie received four shots today as part of his checkup. He was definitely not a fan of receiving the shots, but he recovered remarkably quickly. In fact, by the time we got him dressed and made our way back to the front desk, he was already ready to flirt with the nurses. I think Robbie is going to add a new food to his repertoire today. Carrots are a likely candidate, but The Missus may mix things up and go with a fruit instead. I'll have to guess what it was when I get home by the color of the stains on his bib.


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