I have been unhappy with the Directory for quite a while. So as part of the Lincolnite redesign, I completely rethought the Directory. As of about five minutes ago, the Directory is now a wiki. Well, it's still under wraps, but when it is unveiled it wiill be a wiki. The design still needs some work, but I like the idea so far. We'll see how it works out.
Which brings me to my big question: would anybody out there care to be a moderator? Your task would be to help keep the riffraff from abusing the collaborative aspect of the wiki concept, and I would also hope that you would be motivated enough to be a frequent contributor to the Directory. If you think that sounds like something you would like to do, drop me an e-mail at mrwilson@lincolnite.com. In your e-mail please explain why you would like to be a moderator, and include any other information you think might be pertinent (e.g. a particular area of expertise). And no, this is not a paying gig. Maybe I'll buy you lunch now and then.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
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