Private Parking

By: Mr. Wilson on August 12, 2010
The budget isn't technically final at this point, but for all intents and purposes you can plan on parking enforcement in Downtown being privatized. If you thought tickets were handed out quickly before, you're really not going to like what comes next. I'm curious how this will all work out. Will the parking enforcement company be paid only with the quarters we deposit in meters? Will they receive a portion of ticket revenue? How much control, if any, will they have over meter and ticket rates? Lots of questions. I fully expect the Journal Star's Letters to the Editor page to be filled with complaints once the change takes effect. But practically speaking I doubt there will be many real differences from the status quo. I hope not, anyway.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Jeff R
August 12, 2010 at 4:02PM

I heard the mayor say that they wanted to morph the system into a “parking ambassador” type system, whatever that means.  I’m guessing they’ll have a person at each meter helping you park your car and polish your quarters before they go into the meter.

Also, they’re installing credit card operated meters soon, which is awesome since I only have nickels and pennies in my car.

August 12, 2010 at 9:26PM

I hope that card-op meter rumor is true!  I’d love that!

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