Power to the Elected Officials

By: Mr. Wilson on April 7, 2005
Voters in Bennington, Vermont, rejected a 75,000 square foot cap on "big box" retailers, opening the door to Wal-Mart to expand its current store in that community. With the exception of one woman's assertion that she "want(s) a bigger Wal-Mart," the article is strongly biased against the mega chain. But one paragraph takes the cake:
Alicia Romac of the pro-cap group Citizens for a Greater Bennington said she wished the decision had been left up to elected officials. "It's special interests interfering with what's best for the community process, and I don't think that's really the best way to run a government," she said.
Now voters are a "special interest" group? Somebody needs to smack Ms. Romac.


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