So far, Pete Ricketts' campaign commercials have been almost entirely ridiculous. Well Pete, here's something of substance you can attack Ben on: the Benator's "power ranking" in the Senate is a pathetic 88. The power scores are calculated by looking at Congressmember's position, influence, and legislative activity. Seems to me Pete has an opening to attack Ben on the grounds that Ben lacks the drive and power in Congress to get anything done on behalf of Nebraska.
(Insert standard acknowledgement that this is just a number, and that it doesn't necessarily reflect Ben's influence in Washington. Lies/damned lies/statistics. Blah blah blah. It's just a campaign commercial, folks. Deep analysis of the underlying methodology doesn't apply.)
If you're curious, Chuck is an above-average 43, but that's not very impressive for a presidential hopeful. In the House, Tom sits at 222, Lee at 311, and Jeff at 329. Frankly, 329 seems high for Fortenberry. Can anybody name one thing he's done in Congress besides vote the party line?
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
About Fortenberry (whom I didn’t vote for) I do have to say that I think Moul’s new commercial trying to link him with Foleygate is pretty lame. The guy is a newbie in the House from a nowhere state (sorry no disrespect meant - you know what I mean). He is the farthest from the Republican congressional leadership one can probably get, and trying to taint him with the same Foleygate brush is asinine. Having said that, yeah, I haven’t heard a whole lot from him either. Give him a few more years.
As far as Pete’s dismal campaign goes, I think they must have FINALLY pulled those turkey hunting commercials because they were so bad and earned him nothing but disdain. I haven’t seen one of those in about a week or so. Ben is going to spank him pretty bad.
Fortenberry has been an interesting congressman to watch. In addition to his apparent lack of accomplishment, I’ve seen him in Lincoln from time to time and he is amazingly low key. I’m not saying this is a bad thing, but usually an elected oficial like himself works the crowd a little. I have never seen him do that.
I have an appreciation for people who don’t like other people, but these types of folks aren’t usually elected.
I didn’t vote for him either but that was because he ran for office again so quickly after leaving the Lincoln City Council to “spend more time with the family.” Guess he got that out of his system pretty fast.
I remember seeing Fort on CSPAN during a hearing a few months ago when Israel was bombing the hell out of Lebanon. He is a member of the House Intl Affairs Cmte I believe, and during this hearing both his prepared speech and questions were surprisingly fresh and different from the other members. Ive been meaning to go to one of his Lincoln “meet the public” discussions but haven’t made one so far. I’ll have to check him out the next time he does one.
Speaking of Fortenberry, I just saw him on 14th street, driving a red mini pick-up truck. He also had at least one “Fortenberry” bumper sticker on it as well.
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