Pay Your Own Way

By: Mr. Wilson on August 22, 2006
Jo Naber is still steaming about Lincoln having to foot the bill for celebrity-related security expenses:
I read by the morning papers that Vice President Dick Cheney may be here in Nebraska soon. I'm sure Lincoln will be the recipient of a number of big names coming to campaign for candidates for office this fall. It is not too late for the City Council to issue a notice that any costs to the city of Lincoln for security or other reasons are to be borne by the political campaign benefiting from the appearance. This would be the same for Republican or Democrat. We all remember the city being stiffed some $31,900 in 2004 by the Jeff Fortenberry campaign. Let's not let starshine lead us down the primrose path again. Jo Naber, Lincoln


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

August 22, 2006 at 1:14PM

I feel canidates should have to pay for it.
Heck just get Ricketts to pay for it.

Dave K
August 22, 2006 at 1:47PM

My guess is that Jo didn’t mind the State of Nebraska or city of Kearney paying for security for Clinton’s trip here, when it was obvious his only reason for coming was to check Nebraska off his list of states he’d visited. I don’t mind paying for security for government officials.  However, I would much rather have DC give a speech open to the public, in addition to his fundraising activities.

August 22, 2006 at 1:51PM

I would agree that it would be nice to not have to pay to see a higher up talk.

August 22, 2006 at 3:36PM

If it’s for the public, the public can pay.

If it’s for a candidate and the public’s not allowed, the candidate should pay. There’s no reason the public should be paying for a candidate’s fundraiser.

If I were a candidate running on a fiscally conservative platform, I would think it’d be worth the good press to just pay for it out of the money I raise.

Or if you’re bringing someone in for a fundraiser, just get them to make a public speech too and you seem exponentially less jerklike and hypocritical.

August 22, 2006 at 3:38PM

I think you hit the nail on the head.

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