Party Like a Dog Star

By: Mr. Wilson on September 15, 2009
First, congratulations to the Lincoln Saltdogs for winning its first ever American Association Championship on Sunday! The Saltdogs are hosting a celebration tonight at Haymarket Park from 5:30 until 7:00. It should be a fun time, and this evening's weather is supposed to be beautiful. Why not head on down and give your favorite dogs a scratch behind the ears. No? You're right, that would be weird. It's probably best to settle for a high five and an autograph.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 16, 2009 at 6:43AM

1) I clearly suck in my sports posting duties. I apologize.
2) As I don’t live in Lincoln, did this get much pub?

September 16, 2009 at 12:51PM

Considering they won their division’s equivalent of the World Series? Hardly a mention.

The local newscast added, “I wish we had footage to show you.” How nice of them to care.

I’m curious how many showed up at the rally.

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